Snapchat for Business
Learn how to use Snapchat and how to use it for your small business
So what is Snapchat - Snapchat is a popular app where messages self destruct after about 10 seconds. The user is able to send pictures or videos with the app privately or by adding the message to their story board. Your stories last for 24 hours before disappearing. But wait there's more, snapchat now has memories. A great way to find past snaps and re-use those posts. Snapchat is a popular app that allows the user to create 10 second videos or photos that self destruct. More than 1/2 of the United States that have internet access between the ages of 15 and 25 use Snapchat. They are using Snapchat to watch stories of people they know and to discover on a daily basis. Snap has added gaming, ads and so much more. Don't wait to learn how to use Snapchat, integrate it into your business today.
In this course you will learn:
1. Snapchat Basics
2. How to use Snapchat discover
3. Advanced Snapchat - Building your story, learning how to save your favorite channels and downloading snaps.
4. How to repurpose your snapchats
5. How to use geo-filiters
6. How to create a geo-filter
7. How to make your logo transparent for usage on a geo-filter
Let's start snapping today!
Carrie J. Little, BS, MS
Snapchat Basics
Snapchat setup pdf download
Snapchat for Business - Discover - Module 2
Snapchat for business - Advanced Snapchat Module 3
Re-Purpose Your Snaps on Instagram and messenger
5 Snapchat Geofilters
Building Geofilters for Snapchat
Snapchat for business - How to create transparent logos - module 7